Tints is a combat platformer that encourages exploration, with a very small puzzle aspect. You play as a color palette who starts out with no abilities, other than movement and jumping. Your job is to free the colors and restore them to the world, starting with the primary colors. In doing so, you get a new ability, which is the ability to attack.

Use A and D to move, space to jump, and left click to attack (when you obtain it). Get close to attack the enemies, but not too close, as you will take damage if the enemy touches the player. You have 5 health, but regain health when you kill an enemy. Also, there are 2 secret power ups that increase your attack power by one each.

This version includes only the red level portion of the game, which is set in a volcanic setting. It teases the blue ability section at the end, which would be the next ability.


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cool, good job